14 Nov Pork ribs with garlic and smoked hot and spicy paprika





  1. Wash and dry the pork ribs
  2. Peel and chop the garlic
  3. Put them in the mortar and add a teaspoon of paprika
  4. Add a teaspoon of ketchup, one of mustard, one of soja sauce and two of honey
  5. Add salt and pepper and mix it by adding a drizzle of olive oil
  6. Spread the preparation on the pork chops and let them in the fridge during 1 hour at least.
  7. Put them on an oiled oven tray. Add some water, cover it with baking paper and put them during 90 minutes in the oven at 170º.
  8. Take off the baking paper, coat the pork ribs with olive oil and put them back in the oven several minutes at 190º.
  9. Clean and cook the potatoes in salted water during 10 minutes, until they are tender but whole. Let it cool off, peel them and fry them with butter in a pan.
  10. Serve them with the pork ribs decorated with the thyme and the mustard seeds.

