11 Feb Discover our natural tomato powder

Natural Tomato Powder was a product we launched in 2010 to meet the demands of professional kitchens for a durable product with all the intact properties of summer tomatoes. From Olmeda Orígenes we present this explanatory video where we expose all the benefits of this incredible product along with a healthy, easy and delicious recipe.
Advantages and Benefits of the product
- 2 year Shelf life, Dry storage
- Small footprint in the storage room (space saving)
- 100% yield of product
- Low labor cost
- Safety- No cans to open and handle
- Consistency in product all year round
- Easy to use
- 100% natural
- Multiple applications – (i.e.- Tomato juice, Tomato marinara, Tomato paste & Cocktails)
- Dry Application- Seasoning
Email us for more info!: export@olmedaorigenes.com