07 Nov Canapé with Octopus, ¨Alioli¨ and Black Garlic Olmeda Orígenes




For Alioli:

  • 1 egg
  • Half cup of olive oil
  • Half cup of sunflower oil
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Salt
  • Lemon juice



  1. In the blender add the egg, olive oil, black garlic cloves, few drops of lemon juice and the salt and mix until you have a homogeneous paste.
  2.  We start the canapé placing one little spoon of aioli into the mini toast.
  3.  Then, on the left, we add one slice of octopus.
  4.  In the bottom of the aioli we place one slice of black garlic and the crispy onion.
  5. We finish the canapé sparkling the spicy paprika flakes and seasoning with extra virgin olive oil.


Recipe created by Cocinando con las Chachas!

