04 Jan Production Process of Jamón Ibérico de Bellota
[vc_column_text]Production Process of Jamón Ibérico de BellotaIn autumn and winter comes the Montanera season. The acorns fall from the trees and the pigs with 90kg are released onto Dehesa to fatten up.
After 3 to 4 weeks they can gain 1kg of fat each day and in January and February when the pigs achieve 180kg their time has arrived for the ¨sacrifice¨.
The process of the ham
The fatty legs are packed in sea salt and hung to dry in the cool winter air for 10 days and after this period the hams are rinsed in water to remove salt crystals from the surface.
Dry and Mature
The ham is moved to the Secadero (drying zone) in which the temperature and humidity are maintained by automatic means. During the process pig’s fat is added to the leg in order to moisture the Jamón. And after 3 to 4 years in these natural drying zones the Iberian Ham achieves the optimal point to enjoy!