26 Jun SIAL Food Trade Manila, Philippines 2015.



Philippines was the host of SIAL ASEAN Manila, the biggest food fair in the region of Southeast Asia, in 2015. This event essentially was focused on the main challenges facing the global food industry.SIAL ASEAN confirmed its position of the first and BtoB platform for the Philippines food industry. During the event there was a presentation of the finest wines and food products.

Our team gave to taste a our huge portfolio of the best spanish products, one of this product was our delicious Iberian Acorn Ham which had great impact among the attending people, they have the chance to try it on our stand. Our hams are made from the best Black Iberian Pigs, bred in freedom in “Las Dehesas de Extremadura” and fed with acorns.

We also give to try our collection of artisan cheeses, Machego cheese from Toledo, Idiazabal from Navarra and the amazing “Murcia al Vino” (drunken goat cheese).

ASEAN SIAL gave us the opportunity to be near of our clients and partnership in the area and taste the best the gastronomy of different countries and promote the best of spanish gastronomy, the products from Olmeda Orígenes.

On our Facebook page, we have post many pictures, click on the link to see them!

  Captura de pantalla 2015-06-26 a las 12.24.44

